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Monday, December 22, 2014

The most Idiotic thing Batman has ever done

In the aftermath of Bat-Hound Week, I have no idea what to post. So let's lower those expectations by seeing something dumb. I mean REAL dumb. Like the dumbest thing Batman has ever done.

But first a little history lesson:

In case you didn't know, the Yellow-Oval Bat-Symbol on the Bat-suit's chest is supposed to be a target for gunfire, with Kevlar behind it. This is so Batman doesn't get shot in the head, and instead the chest.

Admittedly it's pretty stupid to put a target anywhere on your body, but the yellow oval symbol works at least.

But there are other ways to draw gunfire that work well to, in fact too well. Such as in Detective Comics #241, "The Rainbow Batman" where we see Batman's other idea for a way to draw gunfire away from his head:

I think this is actually numbing my mind. This is SHEER STUPIDITY at it's worst. What on God's Green Earth could posses you to do that?! Oh, how about going to a Sharpshooting Competition?

...I wonder what happens next!

Um...? I don't know, what did you expect? This is just one of those things that is so stupid there isn't much to say about it. He didn't even once begin to doubt the ingenuity of his plan on the car ride over?

I'd tell you the reason behind the infamous Multi Colored Bat-Suits and why he wore them, but then i'd have to go into more detail. Which would involve more cringing. And the reason he wore them was stupid anyways. Maybe one day.

I've read quite a large sum of Batman comics, but this so far has taken the trophy as:

The Stupidest Thing Batman Has Ever Done.

Which I will reference in future posts.

Well, my ride's here:

"That is quite possibly the stupidest idea you have ever concocted, Master Bruce."

See you whenever I feel like posting next!

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