Dat Wallpaper

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Batman VS Superman Trailer

So, isn't this movie causing quite the ruckus? For those who haven't seen it; here ya go:


That being said, it still doesn't come out for about a year, which will seem like forever.

Convergence: The Question #1

You know what I've noticed? There's a LOT of Convergence issues to review. So on with The Question:

My only gripe with the cover is for it being set in Gotham, there sure is a lack of Gargoyles and Water Towers. 8/10 cover

So the issue starts off with (New Earth) Two-Face stealing some of the last available medicine in G-Town, but some of the others want it too

But obviously Two-Face isn't a noob at this sort of thing

10/10 scene

So he kicks their asses. He then takes the medicine to Renee Montoya, who takes it to the hospitals

After Renee delivers it, she heads home to chit chat with Huntress (New Earth Helena Bertinelli), throws on her costume and visits Two-Face.

They start talking about why the coin has been landing on heads every time recently and get into a small scuffle, when Telos announces the tournament:

Then Two Paste says that he's gonna go find an alternate version of himself and kill him. The he pistol whips Question

She wakes up a bit later, and teams up with...

...Huntress & Batwoman.

Thoughts: The Story / Writing / Dialogue is all good, pretty good stuff. Only complaint I have is Harvey is suicidal, that was more of Prime Earth Two-Face's thing.

I am hoping we see some Harvey Bullock / Renee Montoya scenes though, that is one of the loosest of loose ends on New Earth. How exactly did Harvey react to her being The Question? They NEED to tie that up.

Art quality: Some of the best stuff so far in Convergence


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

And Now, A Moment With Joker

With all these Convergence and Endgame reviews, I hardly get time to do my favorite thing with this blog: Look at the little stuff.

So here's a nice little panel from Batman Black and White (1996):

B: "Joker." 
J: Yes Batsy?"
B: "Shut up."

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Convergence: Batgirl #1

Guess what time it is! Convergence time! I think in this post i'll only review one issue at a time from now on, it can be a bit overwhelming to have to write 3 reviews on one page and then have to go back and edit them all.

Anyheck, onto the issue;

Lol what's Gorilla Grodd even doing? Anyways, pretty decent Cover, 9/10

Plot: So the issue opens up with New Earth versions of Stephanie Brown, Tim Drake, and Cassandra Cain (yay) camping out in the desert of Telos right outside New Earth Gotham. Stephanie goes around the corner to "go" when she's ambushed by what I assume is the Flashpoint version of Catman:

They kinda fight, kinda not, then Steph realizes Cass is in trouble and rushes back


...And this is the problem with this issue. Stephanie Brown isn't in the Kindergarten of crimefighting, she's been around since Knightfall. I could go on and on about her feats, but that's not the point. This is pathetic.

And then the story does something really right:

Stephanie Brown IS the type of person to volunteer at a hospital. She's compassionate and caring, but she still kicks ass. What they should have done is instead of her quitting for a while, she could be hospital volunteer by day and vigilante by night. And that's another thing: Stephanie is not a quitter.


Anyways, she gives up the cowl for a few months and lives in an apartment with Cassandra

"Maybe we should stop watching fox"

So then Telos announces the tournament, and we see that our 3 heroes are on the list, including Steph. So they start training

Again, annoying. Stephanie is not just a teenager blah blah blah. The flashback to her golden days is pretty nice, but damn this writer has no idea about Stephanie. I get Cassandra is on par with Batman martial arts wise, but Stephanie can at least be a moderate threat to her.

So then Red Robin (Yum) stops by, and the three of them go to stop a mini riot / march when they get abducted by the metal glob things from Convergence #1

Which takes us back to where the issue started.

Art Quality: No complaints

Thoughts: I'll say it one more time, Stephanie Brown isn't a toddler. She was trained by the Batman goddammit, which is even said in the issue. You might as well replace her with a toddler at this rate.

Plot wise, I have no complaints. I forgot to mention Tim gets drunk on cactus juice, but that probably won't play a large role.

Issue Rating:


Next; Convergence: The Question #1

Monday, April 13, 2015

Convergence: Batman & Robin, Harley Quinn, Nightwing / Oracle

Just when you thought DC was done rebooting... BOOM, Convergence. And since none of the other bloggers are covering it, except Scipio, it's up to me to review these issues. And Stuff.

First up; Batman & Robin 1:

Cover Rating: 8/10

Location: New Earth


     Some of the rogues attempt to take over Poison Ivy's food garden, which has been supplying New Earth Gotham with Food.

Batman (New Earth Bruce) and Robin (New Earth Damian) show up


-, start to beat them up, and then Croc bites Batman, Jason shows up and Pulls A Jason

Batman and Robin go home, Damian get's pissy

Damian sneeks out and tries to fight Red Hood, Batman stops them

The Telos (he's the bad guy, i'll talk about him later) interrupts errythang

Then these guys show up as their opponents:

"Grrrrrr, we're a threat!"

End issue.

Art Quality: My only complaint is the quality of the inker. I can tell the semi-Scratchy quality isn't the pencillers fault. The Colors are nice and vibrant.

Thoughts: Breaking down the issue plot wise it's pretty simple, but that's not to say it's bad. I like the thought of Ivy playing good girl, seems like something she'd do. As for Jason, I'm not exactly sure I thought he'd turn out this way like Prime Earth Jason did. The return of Scarlett is always welcome though.



Harley Quinn:

Cover Rating: 9/10

Location: New Earth


     We open with Harley robbing a museum a few months ago, which gets horribly botched.

Right as she's being arrested, New Earth Gotham is Abducted by Braniac.

So then she's arrested and sent to therapy for a few months


The she visits the cop she beat with a hammer and eats his chocolate candy

Yet another 10/10

She and the cop hook up (I'll talk about that down below), and get an apartment together

Meanwhile, Poison Ivy is getting robbed AGAIN, but this time Catwoman helps her out

Then Telos announces the tournament thing, which includes Harley going up against...

Pffffffft... Give me sec...

Harley goes up against Captain Carrot



...Phew. Do excuse me, I can't help myself.

Heh, so anyways they go to Harley, give her her costume, and anti-anti-psychotics:

Which results in

10/10 strikes again

End issue.

Art Quality: No complaints.

Thoughts: As I mentioned earlier, Harley dates a cop in this issue. New 52 Harley dates other peope than Joker all the time, which I've gotten used to. But New Earth Harley would NEVER do this. She can recuperate and try to live normal, but she will only ever love Joker. He will always be her first and only. The story / plot isn't bad, typical Harley Story.



Nightwing / Oracle #1:

Cover Rating: 10/10

The issue opens with a version of Hawkman and Hawkgirl (NOT versions from New Earth) destroying some western town called El Inferno (Which I have never heard of). They finish destroying it and head towards New Earth Gotham.

Then we cut to New Earth Dick Grayson. And like Prime Earth Dick Grayson, he has returned to being Nightwing. This somewhat irritates me, which I'll talk about down below. Anyways, he's running around stopping crimes like Mr Freeze's Museum Robbery, while Barbara narrates.

Notice the distinct amount of Museum Robberies in Convergence. Just saying.

I'm pretty sure this part of the issue must take place the night before Batman and Robin #1, because Mr Freeze hasn't been arrested yet, but is after this scene. I assume he broke out later this night or early in the morning and then went with the other rogues to rob Poison Ivy. And then Got arrested again.

Anyways, Nightwing briefly talks to Starfire, and then heads back to Oracle's Clocktower. Where they decide to go out to eat

Where the thing happens

So that was disappointing. I hope they don't die :/

Then Hawkman and Hawkgirl show up and they start fighting

They try to make a deal, but can't come to any agreeable terms, so Hm & Hg leave to let them think it over. And then Nightwing and Barabara start planning on how to fight them

End Issue.

Thoughts: I have way more complaints about this than the other two issues, so I'll put them in a list

1. Dick Grayson is Nightwing again. This all relates back to Batman Incorporated, which was way more prominent on New Earth. On Prime Earth it was just a throw away idea. There's WAY too much to talk about on this subject in a paragraph, but the point is Dick has no reason to be Nightwing again.

2. Babs and Dick aren't getting engaged. Convergence is probably the last time we'll ever hear or see New Earth, whether or not it's destroyed. So in it's last appearance, why wouldn't you tie up loose ends like this? Dick and Babs DESERVE to be together. I suppose it's not too late, if New Earth get's destroyed then I'll be very disappointed with  this development.

3. I have no idea what version of Hawkman and Hawkgirl that is. Or any idea about what the El Inferno place is. As far as I've googled, El Inferno is a character, not a place. Whatever I guess.

4. Nightwing being unable to take on Hawkman and Hawkgirl. I call absolute Bullshit. The writer clearly is mistaking this Dick for someone else.

Art Quality: No complaints.


So far, so good in my opinion. I hope the Convergence keeps on Converging.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Convergence #0 & #1

Sup, let's look at some Convergence:

Convergence #0:

Before we do this: I have read very little of futures end. I may get some things wrong.

So (Prime Earth) Superman wakes up after the whole Doomsday Virus thing to find himself chained up and restrained and stuff by Brainiac (Who I think is referred to as the God Machine). They talk about stuff and things

They talk about the multiverse and stuff

Here's a link to read it more Clearerness: https://i.imgur.com/j3outyS.jpg

Alright, that's pretty damn cool

The Brainiac leaves

To avoid further confusion: I read somewhere that God Machine Brainiac then left to the world of Future's End, where he was destroyed. I AM NOT SURE THOUGH. Like I said, I haven't read much Future's End, only the Tie-Ins. So he MIGHT be ded. Idk

Anyways, Superman escapes

"-Millions of Miles"

So he wanders around a bit, and comes across original Pre-Crisis Earth 2 Brainiac who asks him where his city is

So here's the dealio, strap on your helmet:

God Machine Brainiac has a time machine. He uses it to collect worlds exactly before they are destroyed. Then he takes one city from each world (IE Gotham, Metropolis) and puts them on the desert planet "Telos". *Takes Breath* Here's an example of this in drawing:

Drawn by yours truly

The pic shows one city from Earth 1 and one city from New Earth Being taken from their respective planets and transferred to Telos, where we are in the issue now.

So practically, Brainiac has been collecting planets.

Back to the issue- A bunch of other brainiac(s?) versions show up, and after a really drawn out talk, Superman decides to book it back to Prime Earth after they may or may not wiped his memory of something. They didn't really specify.

Then the brainiacs fuse together to form a more powerful guy

Who is both those Brainiacs and the embodiment of the planet Telos. So he calls himself Telos. And because the God Machine Master Brainiac is (PROBABLY) dead, this guy is the villain.

Thankfully, the next issue is a bit shorter.

Thoughts: An overall semi confusing issue, but if you read it twice you'll get it

Read it here:



Convergence #1:

Oh yay, it's the knock off "Earth 2" characters

So we open to the Injustice Metropolis, or what's left of it, where some of the Injustice characters are trying to figure out what's happening

So then Injustice Superman tries to fly aways but Telos uses his powers to smash him 

I'm not sure if Everyone else died there in the giant finger smash, we'll see later. Assume alive until further notice.

So then we cut to New 52 version Earth 2 characters:

So Dick Grayson acts like a little Bitch, apparently this version was never robin or Nightwing. Just a reporter. Then they pull a chick out the ground

Then they fight metal stuff

"Don't worry "Guys"-- I'm here to save your asses" Is probably the most forced line I've ever read. Have I mentioned I hate Earth 2 before?

Then they stop it by freezing it, which makes Telos show up

Then he traps them in the metal goo stuff


So then he announces to all the worlds there's gonna be a tournament of the collected cities

"Look, they're all doing the Wolverine thing!"

Thoughts: Other than the annoying Earth 2 characters, a pretty solid issue.

Even though there's more places and characters in this issue, there's not as much to talk about until the story progresses further.

I don't blame you if you just skipped to the bottom, it's a lot of stuff.

Usually I don't do this, but collecting Convergence is expensive. So I recommend you read the issues, and buy them later. Read them here:


Next: Batman & Robin, Harley Quinn, Nightwing / Oracle