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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Bat-Hound Week Day 1: A Swimming Pooch

At long last, welcome to Bat-Hound week! A week of dedicated to the four footed wonder, Ace The Bat-Hound! (Partially inspired by Absorbascons Penny Plunderer Week & Bully say's: comics oughta fun's 365 days with Alfred Pennyworth)

Let me clarify this before we begin:

Bat-Hound is probably the coolest dog. You don't quite know him well enough yet, but you will. So here we go, lets meet Bat-Hound.

Onto Batman #92 by Bill Finger and (checks online) Sheldon Moldoff.

See? Four Footed Wonder! They should have stuck with that nick name in my opinion.

So as always, the narrator takes us back to the day before to explain how we get to the events in the opening:

Yeah Batman! What are you thinking! He could have rabies or turn rabid when he comes to.

So when Batman and Robin get home, Ace starts feeling, um, perkier, and they decide it's time to start running an ad in the paper looking for them. Then they decide to leave him all alone in the cave, a brilliant idea, until Ace does otherwise and chases the Batmobile.

I spotted Bowers sneaking in there, and called in an alarm! I didn't arrest him or anything because I figured i'd wait 20 minutes for you guys hoping he was going to take his time! I'm such a good cop!"

So they answer a robbery call from a very apathetic cop, when Robin decides it would be a good idea to bring the dog in. I mean he is 12-13, so his logic isn't always on top, but really kid. Animal endangerment is a thing. It's a good thing that Ace meets all of their high expectations, because they suck at dog training.

Meanwhile inside, everyone nearly gets killed by a gigantic clown prop if it weren't for plot Ace moving out of the way sensing danger.

Oh no! they'll bust my robbery of this, um, Circus warehouse! Drat! I better commit murder so they can't foil my plans of , um, terrorizing Gotham with jolly clown props! HAHAHA!"

Ace nabs whats-his-face and they decide the pup isn't so useless after all. More useful than the cop anyways. So Batman the criminal calls him the first thing that came to his mind, and thus dubbing him as the "Bat-Hound".

When they got home, they received a tip of where the master was leading them to John Wilker's cottage.

The lamp still being on has to be an error. No light bulb in the 1950's lasts 3 days.

They find the place looking like a college kid's dorm room, and discover Wilker works for an engraving company.

Following their lead, they check into the Gotham Printing And Engraving Company to see if Wilker happened to trash his house, throw his dog in the river, and go to work for three days straight.

Not at work either! I knew something was fishy about his house's condition and his dog drowning in a river! So this leads me to conclude..."

So it turns out that Wilker was most likely kidnapped, though they don't say anything to his boss who he has probably worked with for 20 years, and leave.

Back in the Cave, they decide to use Ace to track down Wilker, but then try to leave him again despite what Batman just said.

"Criminals Beware... Bat-Hound is coming!"

Actually, Bat-Hound is way ahead of them, already racing to Gotham to fight scum. So they pick him up in the Batmobile and are off.

That's actually pretty cool.

So in the office of Commissioner Jim Gordon, Batman and Robin receive separate reports of stolen paper and a missing 4 year old. Robin and Bat-Hound go after the kid, and Batman decides to follow the lead of the paper.

Why paper you ask? Robin wonders about Batman interests also:

"But stolen paper isn't important enough to..."
"Don't question me Robin."
"Yes Boss."

So Robin and Bat-Hound go to see what Batman's up to:

"Unless they're the same men who stunned him and abducted his master, John Wilker! If my theory is right, they'll-." You can stop right there Batman. That's enough World's Greatest Accidental Detective for one day.

So they follow more leads (if you can call it that) to the ink factory and Bat-Hound jumps out and rushes ahead to meet his master.

The criminals spot Bat-Hound and promptly knock him out with a barrel of ink.

Next they use Wilker as a hostage and take Batman and Robin captive while they leave to their hideout.

I gotta say, seeing Bat-Hound take a hit like that made me feel bad. He didn't deserve that, you criminal scum.

So when alone, Batman and Robin begin planning their escape, but decide they need Bat-Hound's help. Batman begins constructing a way to contact Bat-Hound in his head and instructs Robin how they will do it.

Which is where I'm leaving off! What are Batman and Robin constructing? Will they be able to contact Bat-Hound? Is Bat-Hound alright? Will they be able to save John Wilker? Tune in tomorrow to find out!

Same Bat-Time,
Same Bat-Blog!

I bet i'm the first blogger to use that line.

Well, my ride's here. See you tomorro-
Ace, Wait up!

Oh, and happy birthday to me.

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