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Monday, November 24, 2014

The Bat-Train is full of Red Tape

     Yesterday I posted about how I influenced last month's Batman #35 and brought the Bat-Train back into continuity (kind of). Today I thought I'd talk about the issue the Bat-Train is originally from, Batman #95 by Sheldon Moldoff and Bill Finger. Also, I came across quite the interesting conspiracy theory in this issue, hence the title.

First impression: Epic
     How can you look at that face and go "What a stupid idea". You're a monster. Anyways we see our heroes waving at people in awe of the Bat-Train when we see two thugs hiding in a flamboyant pink car talking about exposition.
     Then the narrator takes us back to the day before when Batman was called in to talk to the Commissioner Gordon and the Commissioner of Central City for a special assignment. Yes that Central City with Flash (Jay Garrick) and everything. You'll see.

     My only question is: Why go to Central City. In the Golden age Central City was the comic version of Athens Ohio, so from Gotham to there is 506 Miles. 
506 miles. On train.
     Following that, how is the flamboyant pink car full of gangsters keeping up? Trains go about 60MPH and there was no interstate until about 1 year after this comic. Did they just drive along side the train going 60MPH the entire trip? Its a 6 hour trip according to google maps. But that's if you take the interstate and go 75MPH most the way there. Otherwise its 8 hours. And also, Batman and Robin didn't take any stops, they went directly to central city as you'll see later. And no car in 1955 could go 500 miles without gassing up.

     So These people drove on a highway right next to a loud train Bat-Train in the hot summer going 60MPH for 8 hours taking no stops whatsoever, hoping to god Batman and Robin didn't look out their driver side mirror, while somehow not running out of gas? THAT is determination. And all for what?



I thought the Golden Bullet Proof Vest was cool, i'm real big on Batman's Trophies. It's something I wish they would bring back to modern Batman comics.
And I see you there, Giant Penny. Funny, they didn't bring the T-Rex aboard.

Wow, way to point stare guards, well done. Shouldn't the zookeepers be trained for this? Otherwise what good are they? What would have they done otherwise if Batman and Robin weren't there? 
Sounds kinda Fishy, actually. But i'll get to that later.

To be fair that is a really cool shot of the Bat-Train in the 4th panel there.

Oh cool, we might get to see some detective work! So later the crooks come back again because they've come too far already:

     Wait i'm sorry. Did Batman just kick them into a railroad sign while the train was going 60MPH? Even if he kicked him against the speed of the train at say 10 or 15MPH they're still hitting that fast enough to be bisected by it.
Yet they're still standing 5 minutes later.
     And I don't mean to insult Batman's great detective mind, but he figured out what was happening by guessing? If I were Batman, I would suspect the Police! I mean think about it:
  • A police commissioner set this whole trip up
  • Policemen were at the Zoo and happened to not see anyone setting the lions free, and didn't even remotely try to stop the lions.
  • Batman told that Policeman about the wire, no one else. Not even Robin for whatever reason.
  • Batman didn't even know about the tape inside the wire until later, but the policeman seemed mighty curious about a spool of wire.
  • Policeman came rushing in about an emergency at the zoo, providing a distraction for Batman and Robin.
     And why would a police commissioner do this? Think about it. Batman always takes home a trophy from a crime scene. The Bat-Train is full of actual trophies from the Batcave. If you remember, Gordon said that the commissioners were working together for this trip. Actually, this was Gordon's idea in the first place. So Gordon teamed up with to other commissioners so he could get his evidence back.
Gordon has a Dark Side
     I'm guessing he even blackmailed the gang knowing what was inside that spool of wire, because no one would go this far for a tape confession that Batman didn't know about and probably would never of found out about.
Have I accidentally stumbled onto something? Is Gordon a villain?
This was all planned by Gordon.
Sorry about the wall of text. See you whenever I feel like posting next!

1 comment:

  1. I think i'll even start taking suggestions. What would you like to see me post about? Batman Trophies? Comic Reviews? Characters? Trivia? All of the above? Leave any suggestions below!
