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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

That thing about Batman #37 no one is talking about

It occurred to me I haven't posted anything since last year (Buh Dum Tss). So let's look at Endgame.

I wasn't going to review any of Endgame till it finished, but I got bored. Amidst all the reviews and discussions out there on the interwebs, so far no one has talked about a certain little detail from last months Batman #37.

Joker knows who Batman is-

"Oh, hi Joker! how ya been? Wait. Did you just say Bruce? Aw crap."

So let me repeat that with some significance



I mean yeah, he did straight up say his name, but there is an alternate explanation of this. Maybe he only knows Batman's identity is something Bruce? It's possible when he sent the Justice League after Batman he didn't watch the fight but did listen in. Which means Joker would have overheard:



*Sigh* And:


Oh who could forget And:

...Joker's reaction when:

"I wonder if his name is Bruce..."

That's not even all the times they said "Bruce", but they never said "Wayne".

So it's possible Joker only knows his first name. Which is bad enough. But that would also be assuming he gave the League the toxin and let them run off only hoping that they'd go to where Batman lives and that they know who he is. And that he only listened to the battle.

But I don't think so, honestly. If you pay attention, this issue is nothing more than a mirror of Death Of The Family. Think about it:


The first one is about Bruce saying that Joker is just a man, trying to water him down. The second one is Bruce telling himself that Batman is more than a man, boosting himself up.

And this:

Is mirrored by:

The first one is about Joker teasing Gordon he hides under his bed. The second one is JOKER ACTUALLY HIDING UNDER HIS BED.

Even that creak (seen above) is mirrored:

Not only does that mirror the "Creak", but it mirrors how he opened the door to the police station:

Catching my drift? It's a big mirror.

So here's my point, the biggest mirror:

Is mirrored by:

I think the point being made in this issue is that those threats Joker said in Death Of The Family are true. He threatened that he hides under Gordon's bed. He Does. He threatened he knew who Batman was, and certainly appears to now.

Which seems exactly like the kinda thing Scott Snyder would do. Anyheck, that's my two cents about this issue. I could talk more about the whole supposed Joker Immortality thing, but nah. That'll probably get cleared up soon anyway.

Well, my ride's here:

... I never realized that was a DKR reference

See you whenever I feel like posting next!

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