Let's take a gander:
Batman v Superman:
Come at me bro: The Movie
Easily the biggest thing DC had happen this year, and let me tell you: Screw the critics, this movie is fuckin amazing. It's artistic, symbolic, true to Batman, and a fantastic start to the DCEU. It opens so many doors, such as the Suicide Squad movie (see below) and other TV shows to be possible. It's influence extends over all of DC right now, and by default marvel because, ya know, they're marvel.
But on the subject of it's influence, DC comics has decided to model their comics to match the DCEU and TV. What happened to Superman in BvS happened to him in the comics recently. Batman has reacquired some Frank Miller Batman traits again to match BvS. Supergirl's comic title matches her TV show artistically. Etc.
This movie may have a dark tone, but not all DCEU movies will be dark and neither will the comics. Its all good.
Justice League hype btw
DC Rebirth:
Like if you really don't know the spoiler of DC: Rebirth #1, turn the fuck around and go read it real quick. You're risking one of those "Empire Strikes Back" twists.
Watchmen are joining DC Comics' main universe. FUCK MAN. I'm still crazy about this. Alan Moore probably is too, but, you know...
"WTF is this smiley shit doing in my cave? Is that bean juice?"
...In the Alan Moore way.
The real question this opens up is; if Watchmen are going to be integrated into DCEU as well, where will we see Batman and Doc Manhattan square off and when? I want a trailer. Oh wait
If only
Suicide Squad:
The DC movie that does marvel better than marvel
Earlier I mentioned that not all DCEU movies are dark, and this is an example. It's darkly colored and has a few dark moments, but overall its funny, clever, and a perfect follow up to BvS. + It had the fuckin Joker and Batman on screen together for the first time since 2008, even for a little bit. Just a little tasty bait for that Batfleck movie.
Upcoming 2017:
Wonder Woman
I love war movies. I love comic book movies. Hype.
Justice League
Well, my ride's here
See you whenever I feel like posting next!
Bonus: I'll give you a prize if you can figure out why I tagged REO Speedwagon